Information about the registered participants and points


Each participant is self-registered, and receives a signal that corresponds with the Identifier on the System. This is the NAME where the identification condition exists in the System. The SIGNAL is sent by email, upon registration, confirming existence of the participant. The confirmation allows us to contact the participant, as appropriate.
The SYSTEM records the information of Signal, Name, Birthday, Sex, Address, City, Country, School Level, Family and Personal Annual Income, Language and the Date and time of Search.


Were considered the following FOCUS:



Focus Objective is to identify:

COLUMN 1 of the graphic

COLUMN 2 of the graphic

101 Maturity Level Instability/Immaturity Stability/Maturity
102 Conscience Level of thinking and acting Impulsivity Rigid/Controlled
103 Spontaneity Level in relationships Spontaneity/Natural Refinement/Elaborated
104 Security Level Insecurity/Anxious Security/Self-confidence
105 Dependence Level with group Gregarious with group/ More Dependent Individualism/More decided
106 Discipline Level/ Self-control Undisciplined / Uncared Self-control/Disciplined
107 Stress Level Energy/Less Stressed Energy/More Stressed
108 Self-confidence Level Resistance/Apprehensive/Jealous Confidence/Unselfish
109 Conservation Level Conservative/Traditional Vanguard / Innovative
110 Moderation Level Moderation/Reserved Enthusiastic/ Relax/Audacious
112 Objective X Subjective Objective/ Precise Subjective/Creative
113 Submissive X Dominate Accommodating / Submissive Autonomy/Dominate
114 Expression Level Introspective / self-concentrate Expressive/Sociality
115 Logical Abstract Ratiocination Less facility with logical/abstract models More facility with logical/abstract models
116 Biologics Sciences Less interest in the Biologics Sciences More interest in the Biologics Sciences
117 Physics Sciences Less interest in the Physics Sciences More interest in the Physics Sciences
118 Mathematic Ratiocination Less interest in the Mathematic/Economy More interest in the Mathematic/Economy
119 Persuasion Less inclination to persuasion More inclination to persuasion
120 Organization and Advise Less interest in the organization and advise activities More interest in the organization and advise activities
121 Humans and Socials Less interest in the Humans and Socials Sciences More interest in the Humans and Socials Sciences
122 Artistic Talents Less inclination to Artistic Talents More inclination to Artistic Talents
123 Agrarian Less interest in the Agrarian Sciences More interest in the Agrarian Sciences
124 Sociability Level Less Sociability More Sociability


To each FOCUS were elaborate and researched effort has been made to identify questions that will result in an answer in Column 1 or column 2 of the GRAPHIC .

The questions have three possible answers: A,B,C.

Being each one well identify with the graphic, then the answer C is registered in the COLUMN 1. As you positively identify yourself in column 1 of the Graphic for all questions, this will result in 100% responses in column 1, and 0% responses in column 2.

Each answer A marked is registered in the COLUMN 2, then if the user answers to all questions letter A. As you positively identify yourself in column 2 of the Graphic for all questions, this will result in 100% responses in column 2, and 0% responses in column 1.

It is important to avoid choosing answer "B" for many of the questions. This answer is exactly in the middle of the choices and, with the exception of FOCUS 115, Logical Abstract Rationalization, where "B" also registers at 0%, will result in an indecisive response for your interests.


After you have answered all the questions, the system produces a graphic representation of the marked answers. Secondly, you will see the results appear on the screen and receive an email of the results.


To better comprehend the search results, we suggest contact with specialized professionals.
To help you we created a register of professionals, where you can identify professionals that work next to you to schedule an interview.
With the advance consent of the attending professional, the VOCATIONAL SEARCH can be sent via email and attachment. We recommend negotiating any costs, as relate to the resulting interview with the professional, in advance of the interview.


Register yourself at our website, free, and use VOCATIONAL SEARCH to help your work. The research of our process may assist in the development of your work, increasing the possibilities of reaching interested candidates.